Startup teams with strong motive to impact the world
Startup teams with strong motive to impact the world
We look for startup teams with strong motive to impact the world. Participating companies benefit by attending the program, accessing the Remake City fund, connecting with investors, getting help from experts, and pitching at the Demo Day.
Imagtor is a video and photography editing service, include photo editing, retouching, 720 rendering, 2D to 3D visualization, floor plan staging, virtual staging, and other digital services, to real estate agencies to build brand and run marketing to their property buyers. with majority of the staff are People with Disabilities (PwDs). The company has 100% customers from oversea, (US, Japan, Europe) and a monthly sale growth is 36%.
1516 Green Architecture Design
1516 Green Design (Websie: TBD) provides low-cost systems of wind
turbines and solar panels to generate electricity for the poor in remote
remote areas. There are now almost 100 wind turbines and solar systems
installed within 2017 for poor households in the northern area of
Healthy Farm
Healthy Farm aims to improve the entire clean food value chain by connecting farmers with high standard of food hygiene to customers, increasing the general supply of clean food, enabling a fair income for farmers with affordable prices for consumers, and handling the logistics to increase market access and reduce spoilage.
We Innovate Today
Remake City is an intellectual property of Crevisse Partners.
KOICA endeavors to support the sustainable socioeconomic growth of partner countries.
Managed by
Crevisse Partners is an Impact Ventures Group, tackling impossible problems of the world.
Managed by
MYSC is an organization specialized in social innovation consulting and impact investment.
Batch 1
Operated by
Hatch! expands through Ecosystem Building, Accelerator / Incubator Programs, and Co-Working Space in Vietnam.
Batch 2
Operated by
CSIP is a leading social venture incubator / accelerator developing the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Vietnam.
We look for startup teams with strong motive to impact the world. Participating companies benefit by attending the program, accessing the Remake City fund, connecting with investors, getting help from experts, and pitching at the Demo Day.
Imagtor is a video and photography editing service, include photo editing, retouching, 720 rendering, 2D to 3D visualization, floor plan staging, virtual staging, and other digital services, to real estate agencies to build brand and run marketing to their property buyers. with majority of the staff are People with Disabilities (PwDs). The company has 100% customers from oversea, (US, Japan, Europe) and a monthly sale growth is 36%.
1516 Green Architecture Design
1516 Green Design (Websie: TBD) provides low-cost systems of wind turbines and solar panels to generate electricity for the poor in remote remote areas. There are now almost 100 wind turbines and solar systems installed within 2017 for poor households in the northern area of Vietnam.
Healthy Farm
Healthy Farm aims to improve the entire clean food value chain by connecting farmers with high standard of food hygiene to customers, increasing the general supply of clean food, enabling a fair income for farmers with affordable prices for consumers, and handling the logistics to increase market access and reduce spoilage.
We Innovate Today
Remake City is an intellectual property of Crevisse Partners.
Batch 1
Batch 2
Sponsored by
KOICA endeavors to
support the sustainable
socioeconomic growth of
partner countries.
Managed by
Crevisse Partners is an
Impact Ventures Group,
tackling impossible
problems of the world.
MYSC is an organization
specialized in social
innovation consulting
and impact investment.
Operated by
Operated by
HATCH! expands through
Ecosystem Building,
Accelerator / Incubator
Programs, and Co-
Working Space in Vietnam.
CSIP is a leading social
venture incubator /
accelerator developing
the social entrepreneurship
ecosystem in Vietnam.